Kalash dancers are from kalash  valleys which are famous for their cultural depth and primitiveness. These valleys are situated in the remote district of Chiral in Pakistan.There are three festivals in kalash but Chilum Joosh is most popular. Kalsha people gather in the morning and start dancing in circle. Kalash dancers are famous in skill and rhythm. Mostly females dance and male members beat the drums. Drum beating starts very early in the morning before the sun rise. People starts gathering on the dancing shelves made for dance in the front of each prominent house and  at least few in each village. Dance starts and first joiners are the children. Then female dancer of each area join the group. It is a worth seeing show when with the rising of sun some brightly clad women of ancient culture start dancing like a fairy. There are three kalash valleys known as Bomburit, Ramboor and Brir. The festival starts in all valleys at alternate dates and inhabitants of one valley attend the dancing in the other valley.
Kalash dancers are amazing artist and their rhythm is famous world over. These people are beautiful and their habits are more romantic. They are non violent and do not indulge in disputes. They love and dance and leads an ideal life. But their survival is now in extreme danger. Many forces like religious intolerance, rising population, easy approach and health problems are having great stress on the Kalash tribe.  

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