Smart phones are new gadget in the world of digital photography. Cameras in smartphones are getting lot of advancement in terms of mega pixel and image quality. many smartphone companies like Samsung and Apple are trying to replace point and focus digital cameras with their phones. Goggle is comparatively a new player in smart phone race but stunned the customer with high end Nexus series.
Cameras in the smartphones like iPhone 5 ,Galaxy S5 And Sony Xperia ZX1 are amazing with quality and features. Here in this article we are giving some tips for outclass smartphone photography.
Shoot In Good Light
Smartphone cameras have smaller sensor and can not handle low light conditions. So always try to shoot in bright day light of morning and evening. Mid day light is bad and would give bad contrast. So avoid high contrast light too.
Don,t Use Zoom
Zooming in smartphones is mostly digital and ruin the image quality a lot. So avoid to use zoom option until an image of very high documentary importance is in question.
Never Use A Flash Too Near The Subject
Using a flash too near the subject will blow out the details. So never use flash too near. Keep the distance of about 3 feet from subject while using flash.
Never Use A Flash Too Far From The Subject
Using a flash for the subject too far from the camera is futile and will not illuminate it. Built in flash in smartphones is not so powerful to give correct exposure to the subjects too far.
Keep Your Hand Steady
You have to use live view for the pictures in smartphones as there is no viewfinder in these devices. While you are engaging in composing the subject, be sure to keep your hand steady to avoid shake.
Post Process In The PC or Laptop
Try to post process your images in the PC or your laptop with professional image editing software like Photoshop. Image editing in the phones will give you just average result but in computer you can make stunning editings.
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